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Weight Loss Maintenance — 5 Tips to Keep the Weight Off

Posted by: In: Blog Post 04 Jul 2018 Comments: 0

Congratulations! You’ve lost the excess weight! You have achieved the accomplishment of a lifetime.

I’d like to talk about how to preserve your success. Many people struggle to maintain their weight loss, often due to a few simple stumbling blocks which can be avoided. I’m talking with diabetic and bariatric registered dietitian, Lori Skurbe, about her essential weight loss maintenance tips:


  1. Exercise Regularly
    Working out regularly after achieving goal weight will help you keep the weight off permanently. Adopt various types of exercise that you can enjoy all year long–even during the winter months.
  2. Nutrition Maintenance
    Always reach for protein first. It will fill you up and keep appetite under control. Look at the food offerings at every meal and challenge yourself to make your plate both healthy and satisfying.
  3. Plan Meals and Snacks
    Trouble starts when you open the refrigerator and there is nothing healthy to eat (and you are hungry). Have the right foods on hand 24/7 and avoid eating empty calories.
  4. Portion Control Maintenance
    Particularly if you’ve had bariatric weight loss surgery, it is imperative to follow your prescribed portion sizes, even after you’ve achieved goal weight.
  5. Avoid Grazing
    This is a common habit for many formerly obese people. And the urge to resume ‘picking’ throughout the day can derail weight loss. Many patients come to us and have no idea they are grazing; often unknowingly, they have resumed a bad habit.

You can and should enjoy an occasional treat. It will not affect your weight loss achievement. The danger arises when treats and grazing become too frequent.

You’ve worked hard to achieve a healthy weight. I hope these tools will support you today, tomorrow and for many years to come.

How do you keep your weight off? Post a comment below.

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