Weight Loss Surgery in Central New Jersey — Quality, Care, Trust.
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Weight Loss Surgery Blog

Angelina before and after bariatric surgery at Prime Surgicare in Central New Jersey.

Fifty-four-year-old Angelina, from Middlesex County, NJ, had too many health problems for a woman of her age. “From polycystic kidneys to high blood pressure and cholesterol, I was spending too much time and money on my chronic medical issues,” Angelina explains.

“I was also constantly bothered by arthritis in my knee, which wasn’t helped by my weight.”

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is an inherited disorder where clusters of cysts develop in the kidneys, causing them to enlarge and lose function over time. One of the strategies to keep symptoms from worsening is to maintain a healthy weight. Read more…


Six tips to prevent holiday weight gain by dr. sowemimo


Lori Skurbe — Registered Dietitian at Prime Surgicare, NJ

Lori Skurbe

By Lori Skurbe, MPH, CDE, Prime Surgicare Dietitian

This month can be challenging to stay on the weight loss track and maintain your exercise schedule. Even in 2020, time is short and there is much to accomplish in just a few weeks.

If your holiday celebrations will be smaller, spent with immediate family at home, you may still be faced with a plethora of tempting foods and beverages in your home.

You’ve worked so hard in 2020–this is no time to backslide!

How can you enjoy the holidays and still stay on track?

Here are a few tried and true tips to get you to 2021, without facing holiday weight gain:

1. Indulge once during the actual holiday

Enjoy yourself on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve, or one special night of Chanukah. Overeating one day will not cause weight regain, but overeating for several days in a row can.

I explain to our Prime bariatric patients during one-on-one appointments that it is not the actual holiday eating that causes weight gain, it’s the continuous overeating for several days before and after the holiday.

2. Post-holiday, get rid of those treats and rich foods

Send care packages (as long as you’re not sick) to friends, family and neighbors, or freeze leftover holiday treats for a later date.

When we create a healthy food environment – it will guide our food choices and help stay on track.

3. Modify recipes

Make high-calorie foods lower in calories by swapping out higher-calorie ingredients with lower-calorie substitutions, without sacrificing flavor. Use less oil, butter, margarine in recipes. Use leaner forms of protein and less sugar. A quick internet search will offer specific ingredient substitution options.

4. Prioritize exercise

get your exercise in during holidays and winter

With holiday shopping and other preparations, we often have less time. Exercise seems to be crossed off the daily to-do list when time gets in short supply. Schedule your physical activity like a dentist appointment or work meeting.

Break your exercise session into smaller, more manageable time periods, if necessary.

Example: Take two 15-minute walks instead of one 30-minute walk.

Increase your activity in the things you do each day (take stairs instead of elevators, park further away when running errands). These small efforts add up at the end of the day to a bigger calorie burn!

5. Watch wasted calories on alcohol

Holidays feature more high-calorie foods and occasions that include drinking. Most types of alcohol are high in calories, which can sabotage weight loss and cause regain.

Calories are much quicker to consume when you drink them.

If you do choose to have a drink, keep it in moderation.  If you’ve had weight loss surgery, be forewarned that you can become intoxicated very quickly.

6. Stick to bariatric basics 101

Make sure you get in your healthy protein and plenty of non-starchy vegetables at meals.

It is possible to get through the holiday season and maintain a healthy weight by trying the above tips.

For more suggestions or if you have specific questions, please do not hesitate to call us!

Happy holidays!

Unless it’s causing problems, most people pay little or no attention to their gallbladders or what this organ does for the body.

But if you experience pain from a diseased gallbladder or gallstones, it will quickly command your full attention.

Our New Jersey board-certified laparoscopic surgeons have performed more than 1,000 successful gallbladder removal operations since 2007.

Gallbladder removal is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures.

A small organ located in the right upper abdomen under the liver, it stores some of the bile produced by the liver, which digests and absorbs the fats in the food that we eat.

Gallstones sometimes form inside the gallbladder and block the outlet from while the bile is moved out, which can result in considerable pain. In some cases, the stones may move into the bile duct, causing jaundice or an inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

If you are suffering from stones in the gallbladder, you may experience intermittent pain in the right upper abdominal region. The pain typically starts after eating and may be cause nausea, vomiting or bloating. Fever may or may not be present.

People who have severe symptoms from gallstones (usually diagnosed on an ultrasound) frequently have their gallbladder removed through a minimally-invasive procedure called a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Prime Surgicare Medical Director, board-certified laparoscopic, bariatric and general surgeon Dr. Seun Sowemimo, explains:

Read more…

A busy father needed a weight loss solution that provided quicker results

New Jersey man lost 90 pounds after gastric sleeve bariatric surgery performed by Dr. Seun Sowemimo

“I still remember the day I decided to have weight loss surgery,” recalls Adam Pearlman, a married father with three young children.

“I was on vacation with my family when I had some time to relax and think about my life. I realized I was tired of the weight loss/weight gain roller coaster. I needed to get this weight off, and losing one or two pounds a month was just not motivating for me.”

We can certainly relate to Adam’s challenge. After consulting with his wife, they began asking around for bariatric surgeon recommendations.

“One of my children’s teachers had lost a lot of weight and we asked her how she did it,” Adam says. “She had gastric sleeve surgery, performed by Dr. Seun Sowemimo, and highly recommended him and his team.”

After a consultation with Dr. Seun, they mutually agreed the gastric sleeve would be the best surgical option for Adam, age 42, who weighed more than 250 pounds before surgery.

Fortunately, he had no significant medical problems related to his weight, but did suffer from chronic back pain, making it challenging to keep up with his active children.

In mid-2019, the New York City UA Local Union No. 1 Journeyman plumber underwent weight loss surgery with no complications and began losing two to three pounds a week.

He continued visits with Lori Skurbe, Prime Surgicare dietitian, for guidance during his post-op phase and when he transitioned to regular food again.

Today, Adam eats with his health in mind, treating food as both fuel and medicine.

“Honestly, I just followed the guidance Dr. Seun and his team gave me from the start, and it worked.”

Dr. Seun explains Adam’s bariatric weight loss success

Adam is a results-oriented professional who is willing to put in the work to get there,” says Dr. Seun. “Over the years, he was successful in losing weight on his own, but the process was slow, and eventually the weight came back on, which happens for the vast majority of people.”

Dr. Seun saw Adam’s motivation from the start and had no doubt he would achieve any goal he set for himself.

“Before bariatric surgery, Adam weighed in the mid-200s, so he was able to reach his goal weight quickly,” says Dr. Sowemimo.

“We also began focusing on whole food, plant-based nutrition, which many of our bariatric patients have adopted, and I think it’s a great option for Adam, now that he has achieved a healthy weight.

By the summer of 2020, he had lost 90 pounds and achieved a normal BMI under 25. In comparison, Adam lost 40 pounds after graduating from college, but this effort took four years to achieve.

“For me, weight loss surgery was what I needed to motivate me,” Adam says.
“I literally felt like the extra weight was just falling off me every day.”

Today, Adam maintains his weight under 170 pounds (he is 5’8”) and walks and bikes regularly to keep his metabolism burning calories at his lower weight.

In 2021, when he undergoes his annual physical with Manalapan internist Dr. Eduard Fuzaylov, he looks forward to surprising the doctor with his weight loss, nutrition changes and lifestyle improvement.

“Weight loss surgery helps people with extreme obesity to lose weight,” says Dr. Fuzaylov. “It may be an ideal option if you cannot lose weight through traditional diet and exercise or have serious health problems caused by obesity.”

Adam says he’s looking forward to seeing Dr. Fuzaylov in early 2021 for his yearly physical and comparing his lab test results from last year. 

“With the extra weight gone, 2021 is going to be the healthiest year of my life.”

Dr. Eduard Fuzaylov is a US board-certified internal medicine and geriatric specialist at Tovba Care Medical PC in Manalapan. With more than 30 years of clinical expertise, Dr. Fuzaylov graduated from Tajik State Medical University Medical School in 1989. He is affiliated with CentraState Medical Center, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Hackensack Meridian Health, and NewYork-Presbyterian in New York City. Dr. Fuzaylov is accepting new patients and offers telehealth appointments. Please call (732) 851-6673 or visit Tovbacare.com

Dr. Seun Sowemimo is an obesity medicine specialist and board-certified Bariatric and GI surgeon at Prime Surgicare, with offices in Freehold and Jackson. For telehealth appointments or to learn more about surgical weight loss or treatment for obesity, call (732) 982-2002.


By Lori Skurbe, MPH, CDE, Prime Surgicare Dietitian

The year 2020 has certainly has been a challenge, to put it mildly.  COVID-19 changed our world, particularly how we work, go to school, dine, work-out and a host of other things.

In tumultuous times like these, it is easy to get bogged down in the negative.

But with Thanksgiving around the corner, I thought it would be nice to reflect on our lives and look for things in which to be thankful.

During our November Bariatric Support Group meeting, participants shared their personal gratitude; many of our weight loss surgery patients were thankful for:

Being able to take care of their loved ones. 

Some patients were thankful they had WLS as it allowed them to take better care of sick loved ones, be better parents and friends. 

Many also felt the WLS support group was an integral part of their long term success post-op and were thankful for having a support group to attend on a regular basis and for the friendships that were made there.

Before having WLS, many felt trapped in their body and could not fully enjoy their lives.  Once they lost weight, they could enjoy playing with their kids or grandkids, taking part in family vacations and doing things they never thought possible (like rock climbing, amusement park rides and other activities).

For being able to create happy and lasting memories with family and friends.

Inspiration from other patients and staff that helped them achieve their WLS goals.

For the clinical and administrative staff at Prime Surgicare who helped with the administrative aspect before the surgical weight loss operation.

The Prime Surgicare staff who provided a steady stream of tools and support to be successful.

Pay it forward

Prime Surgicare and Central Jersey Bariatrics Support Group in Freehold, Central NJ.

Our clients also enjoy helping other bariatric warriors to be successful by offering words of encouragement on social media, via a quick text or sharing experiences and insight at our meetings, held twice per month on Zoom.

Our patients were all thankful for the gift of good health and a better quality of life!

Take a moment right now and think about what you are grateful for.

In fact, commit to finding at least one thing to be thankful for every day – it will change your outlook for many days well beyond Thanksgiving.

Finally, if the approaching Biggest Meal of the Year makes you worry about weight gain–don’t.

Watch Dr. Seun’s tips to stay on track, enjoy Thanksgiving and wake-up guilt-free the next day.

On behalf of our Prime Surgicare team, we wish you a warm, happy and healthy holiday!

Kelly from Monmouth County lose 100 pounds after bariatric surgery

Kelly McCusker, a Monmouth County school bus driver, was frustrated by the health issues she had to manage at 52-years-old. Her internist, Dr. Tuboku Metzger, who practices at Navesink Medical in Holmdel, explained that her high blood pressure, chronic fatigue and frequent back pain could be lessened if she lost weight.

Easier said than done.

In early 2019, when the scale tipped 250 pounds, Dr. Metzger suggested Kelly consider bariatric surgery.

“I was tired of the constant battle with my weight, up and down, up and down,” Kelly recalls. “I had to take medication for my high blood pressure, and I was just trying to make it through each day.

Kelly turns to board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Seun Sowemimo

A trusted friend had gastric sleeve weight loss surgery performed by Dr. Seun Sowemimo at Prime Surgicare, and highly recommended him. Kelly’s close family member had the lap-band (gastric band) several years ago and lost a significant amount of weight.

After a consultation with Dr. Seun in his Freehold office, Kelly was ready to complete the pre-operative steps and schedule her gastric sleeve surgery.

During her testing, she was unexpectedly diagnosed with sleep apnea, a serious medical condition that contributes to poor sleep quality and chronic exhaustion.

“Based upon Kelly’s age, health and weight loss goals, she was an ideal candidate to have the gastric sleeve,” Dr. Sowemimo explains.

“I knew at our first visit that she was truly committed to changing her lifestyle in order to lose the extra 100 pounds, once and for all.”

Meet more people like you who had successful weight loss surgery at Prime Surgicare.

Choosing the world’s most popular bariatric procedure

 “I was really happy Dr. Seun recommended gastric sleeve surgery for me,
since it’s less invasive and offers a faster recovery after the operation.” 

The vertical sleeve gastrectomy, also called the VSG or sleeve surgery, is the most popular bariatric operation in the world today. For many people, it is an ideal choice to safely achieve significant, long-term weight loss; the sleeve is a straightforward procedure that doesn’t require the maintenance of a lap band or the rerouting of intestines required for gastric bypass.

Is it time to replace your lap-band with a newer bariatric solution?

The gastric sleeve is performed laparoscopically, using only small incisions, the surgeon removes approximately 75% of the stomach. This results in the stomach taking on the shape of a tube or “sleeve,” which holds much less food.

“Dr. Seun and his staff truly know their patients–we aren’t just a number or a chart.
I traveled a longer distance, because I wanted Dr. Seun to be my bariatric surgeon.
I can’t thank them enough for all the support.”

Today: Hello goal weight, goodbye health problems

By June 2020, Kelly’s health had taken a dramatic turn for the better. “I don’t even know where to begin,” Kelly says with a smile. “I was wearing a size 18 a year ago, and now I wear a size 8. I have so much energy because I no longer suffer from sleep apnea.”

Today, Kelly has reached her goal weight of 150 pounds (she is 5”9”) and has a “normal” BMI (body mass index) of 22.

Check your BMI here (scroll down).

“I’m off the blood pressure medication for good. I feel more confident in every aspect of my life and absolutely enjoy each day so much more,” notes Kelly, who walks 3+ miles about three times weekly to keep her metabolism burning as many calories as possible.

Kelly says she was especially thankful to her husband for his unrelenting support and understanding through all the phases of her weight loss, including the early decision to have weight loss surgery.

Now that she’s completed her weight loss journey, Kelly gets a reminder now and then about how much her appearance has changed, in addition to her health:

“I was recently asked by a co-worker if I was a new employee,” Kelly laughs. “He didn’t believe me until I confirmed what bus number I drove.”

Dr. Folarin Tuboku-Metzger is an internal medicine specialist at Navesink Medical in Holmdel. Dr. Metzger graduated from New York Medical College Medical School and completed her residency at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York. She is affiliated with Hackensack Meridian Health, Bayshore Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center. The doctor is accepting new patients and offers telehealth appointments during Covid-19. Please call (732) 320-9196 or visit NavesinkMedical.com.

Dr. Seun Sowemimo is an obesity medicine specialist and board-certified Bariatric and GI surgeon at Prime Surgicare, with offices in Freehold and Jackson. For telehealth appointments or to learn more about surgical weight loss or treatment for obesity, call (732) 414-2707.

Lori Skurbe, Staff Bariatric Dietitian

By Lori Skurbe, MPH, CDE, Prime Surgicare Bariatric Dietitian

Fall is a beautiful time of year—crisp, cool weather, vibrant colors abound and we’re enjoying the plethora of fall produce – apples, sweet potatoes and seasonal squash, such as acorn, butternut and pumpkin.

For people following a bariatric diet, there are many ways to enjoy these foods and stay on your nutritional track.

I’m sharing some of our weight loss surgery patients’ favorite fall recipes, which are rich in taste, fiber, vitamin A, Vitamin C and those essential phytonutrients we all need to stay healthy.

The best part – they are naturally low in calories and high in flavor!

These bariatric-friendly dishes are easy to cook and will appeal to the rest of your family or friends for whom you may be cooking. You can make anything from a healthy pumpkin bread to a soup, overnight oats to a savory side dish.

Get out those baking dishes and soup bowls—this is going to be delicious!

Easy Baked Apples


6 apples (any type you like), washed and cored




  1. Preheat oven the 375 degrees.
  2. In an over safe dish, place the cored apples. Sprinkle with cinnamon and add water so that there is about an inch of liquid around the apples.
  3. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until apples are soft.
  4. Serve each apple in a bowl with a little bit of the liquid from the baking dish. Sprinkle with additional cinnamon, if desired.

Maple Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Butternut Squash


(recipe from the recipecritic.com)


1 pound Brussel sprouts, rinsed, ends trimmed and sliced in half

1 pound butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cubed

3 TB olive oil

4 TB real maple syrup, divided

Salt and pepper (you can omit salt, if you need to lower the sodium)

1 cup whole pecans

½ cup dried cranberries


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and lightly spray with non-stick cooking spray. In a large bowl combine Brussel sprouts, butternut squash and olive oil.  Toss with olive oil and 1 TB maple syrup. Salt and pepper.
  2. Spread evenly on the baking sheet and roast in the oven for 25 minutes or until the edges are brown and the center is tender. Remove from oven.
  3. Add the roasted Brussel sprouts and butternut squash back to the larger bowl. Add pecans, cranberries and remaining maple syrup and toss. Serve immediately.

Pumpkin Soup


(recipe adapted from: delish.com)


1 TB extra virgin olive oil

1 large onion, coarsely chopped

4 cloves garlic, minced

4 pound pumpkin (any kind, preferable sugar pie) or ~4 cups canned pureed pumpkin (if you do not have a fresh pumpkin)

4 cups low sodium vegetable broth

Kosher salt (may omit if need to keep sodium levels down)

Freshly ground pepper


  1. In a heavy soup pot or Dutch oven over medium heat, heat oil. Add onions and garlic and cook until golden.
  2. Meanwhile, half, peel and scrape out seeds of the pumpkin. Cut into chunks.
  3. Add pumpkin chunks and broth to pot. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, uncovered, then reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer until pumpkin is fork tender, about 30 minutes.
  4. Remove pot from heat and, using an immersion blender, carefully blend mixture until smooth. (Alternatively, let soup cool, then blend in a standard blender.)
  5. To serve ladle soup into bowls

NOTE:  if using canned pumpkin puree, you can skip steps 2 and 3. Just add pumpkin puree to cooked onions, garlic and broth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Blend with immersion blender or standard blender.

Garlic Acorn Squash

(recipe from allrecipes.com)


Cooking spray

2 medium acorn squash, halved and seeded

2 TB olive oil, divided

4 tsp minced garlic, divided

Salt and ground pepper to taste (may omit salt)


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a 9 X 13-inch baking dish with cooking spray.
  2. Place each squash half in the baking dish, cut side down.
  3. Bake squash in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Flip squash over and place 1 TB of olive oil and 2 tsp minced garlic into each squash. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Bake squash, cut-side up until tender, about 20 minutes. Cool for about 5 minutes before serving.

Vegan Split Pea and Sweet Potato Soup

(recipe from: popsugar.com)


1 pound (2 ¼ cups) green split peas

5 celery stalks, sliced

1 large sweet onion, chopped

1 large clove garlic, minced

8 cups vegetable broth

2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and diced

Salt and pepper, to taste (may omit salt if need to keep sodium down)


  1. Wash and drain the split peas, removing any stones.
  2. Pour the peas, celery, onion, garlic and vegetable broth in a big pot with the top on. Bring to a boil then lower to a simmer, cracking the top open slightly.
  3. Stir occasionally, cooking on low heat for 2 hours. Add the diced sweet potatoes and cooked for another 20-30 minutes or until the peas are soft and the soup looks creamy. Season with salt and pepper.

These recipes are an excellent addition to your fall menu and are all plant-based!

Let us know if you tried these recipes and share some of your favorite seasonal recipes.

During these turbulent times, our Prime Surgicare team is here to support you. If you need nutritional support, call us at 732-982-2002 to schedule a telehealth visit with me. You may be surprised how much we can cover in a visit or two, which can keep your weight loss or weight maintenance on track. 










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