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Weight Loss Surgery Blog

Lori Skurbe — Registered Dietitian at Prime Surgicare, NJ

Lori Skurbe, RDN, MPH, CDE


By Lori Skurbe, RDN, MPH, CDE, Bariatric Dietitian, Prime Surgicare

Weight loss surgery is only a tool. Strong commitment to a healthy lifestyle (healthy eating, exercise, mindfulness) is essential to maximize weight loss and keep the weight off for life!

I’ve outlined 12 of my all-time top strategies that I share with our bariatric patients before, during and after they have achieved goal weight:

Make protein a priority

plant based nutrition


Have a healthy protein source at each meal (or snack) and always eat protein first.  Most bariatric patients need between 60-90 grams of protein each day.

Once you’ve eaten your protein, eat non-starchy vegetables. If you have room after the vegetables, eat a healthy carbohydrate.

Refer to the lists of protein, non-starchy vegetables and carbohydrates given at your pre-op nutrition visits or in your post-op diet progression for the best food choices and recommended portion sizes.

Take a picture of our protein list on your phone, so you can quickly refer to it at the grocery store, in restaurants, etc.

The Low Down On Protein Shakes and Protein Powders

Avoid drinks with more than 10 calories per serving (exceptions are approved protein drinks).

  • Sip fluids slowly between meals to stay hydrated.
  • Aim for 64 ounces daily.
  • Water is the #1 beverage of choice.
  • Limit or avoid alcoholic beverages.

Do not graze, snack, nibble or nosh 

Meals and snacks should have a defined beginning and ending. Once you’re are satisfied – stop eating until the next meal or planned snack.

Do not go back and keep picking at a meal until you finish what is on your plate or snack on various foods throughout the day.

Weight loss surgery patients who graze on various foods throughout the day wind up overeating and do not realize it. This type of eating causes reduced weight loss and frequently leads to weight regain.

Eat slowly, take bites no larger than a dime

 Chew each bite until it is mushy (~20-30 chews). Meals should last for about 30 minutes. This is another great way to take control of your food.

Do not eat and drink at the same time

Eating and drinking at the same time can overfill your stomach causing pain, discomfort and make you feel sick.

It can also wash the food out of your stomach pouch – allowing you to feel hungry sooner and possibly eat more.

Avoid distracted eating

When you are eating a meal or snack – just eat!  Turn off all screens (TV, computer, phone, etc.) and other distractions.  When you only eat, you can focus on enjoying your food, eating slowly and paying more attention to signs of fullness.

Signs of fullness after weight loss surgery can be different than before surgery. Some signs of fullness people experience are: sneezing, burping, hiccupping and/or a runny nose.

Dr. Seun Sowemimo talks about the value of food density on his YouTube channel.

Plan Ahead: Life is busy and can get crazy

Planning your meals and snacks in advance can help you stay on track:

  • Pack your meals and snacks to bring to work or school as much as possible.
  • Bring your own foods to social events if you aren’t sure what will be served.
  • Meal prep on the weekends or days off – so you have meals available to help you continue to lose or maintain your weight loss when life gets hectic.

When you plan and prep your food – you are in control!

Be accountable to yourself

Logging all foods and beverages into a smartphone app, such as Baritastic, can be extremely helpful. An app will help keep track of your protein, calories and other macronutrients, so you know how much you get in each day.

People eat more than they realize, so it is not surprising people who log lose considerably more weight and keep it off more successfully than those who do not!

Keep your appointments with the bariatric surgeon and dietitian so you stay on track.

Make physical activity a part of your new lifestyle

Being physically active helps maintain muscle as you shed excess body fat. Remember: muscle burns calories!

Proper diet, along with physical activity, helps with weight loss. Regular physical activity is also essential to keeping weight off.

Find a physical activity you like to do and aim for 30 minutes daily. If you have orthopedic issues – see a physical therapist for evaluation and discuss fitness alternatives to fit your challenge.

Manage Emotional Eating

Weight loss surgery does not change emotional eating. If you went to food to help deal with emotions before surgery, you will also use food to deal with emotions after.

It is essential to learn new coping skills to deal with emotions in a constructive way.

Enlist the help of a therapist who can help you learn why you emotionally eat and come up with a treatment plan so you can be healthy emotionally and physically.

Take all vitamin and mineral supplements

Yes, it may seem like many pills to take. But every one of them plays a crucial role in optimizing your health—and your weight loss.

 Get bariatric blood work done on a regular basis to check vitamin and mineral levels.

The blood work you do for your primary doctor or other specialists is different than the lab tests we need to monitor.

You are at risk for developing vitamin or mineral deficiencies at any point after surgery that is why vitamin and mineral supplements are for LIFE!

Get support! Attend Prime Surgicare’s monthly bariatric support group meetings

WLS patients who attend regular support group meetings are more successful long-term than those who do not.

Enlist the support of friends and family members who empower you to achieve your goals!

Give support, get support. Ask questions, answer questions.

Perfection Not Required

As with all things in life, no one expects you to be perfect all the time.

I encourage our bariatric surgery patients to strive to stay on task 85 to 90 percent of the time.

This way, you are not living a life focusing on deprivation.

Rather, the majority of the time, you are using the tips and tools in your weight loss and weight management arsenal that will keep your weight in check.

If you are 100 pounds or more overweight and have tried traditional weight loss and fitness programs without success, a surgical weight loss solution may be the final solution you need to achieve substantial weight loss.

Call our Bariatric Success Program coordinators at (732) 982-2002 to learn more or attend one of our New (Future) Patient Seminars that I co-host along with Prime Surgicare medical director Dr. Seun Sowemimo and board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Bennet Togbe at CentraState Medical Center in Freehold.










seun sowemimo holiday party for patients 2019

Ready to feel full by eating fewer calories?

Lori Skurbe — Registered Dietitian at Prime Surgicare, NJBy Lori Skurbe, RD, MPH, CDE, Prime Surgicare Bariatric Dietitian

When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, calorie density counts.  In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat and drink.

To maintain your weight loss, you need to keep your caloric intake low enough to sustain weight loss.

To keep calorie counts low, people usually think they need to eat only tiny portions of foods and they are destined to be starving all the time.

This does not have to be the case if you know how to eat foods

that are low in calories but high in volume!

Eat these low calorie and high volume foods

Mainly plant-based foods are low-calorie and high volume. And there are many delicious options available!

Two recommended foods that I will focus on in this article are non-starchy vegetables and fresh fruits.

Non-starchy vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables (leafy greens, broccoli, carrots, green beans, summer squash, brussels sprouts, etc.) are the lowest calorie food group (about 25 calories per cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked).

Non-starchy vegetables are high in water and fiber content (and provide many essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants), which provide bulk–without the calories.

High fiber foods impart a sense of “fullness” and take longer to digest, so you get full quicker and stay full longer.


5 French fries have about 50 calories.

Fifty (50) calories worth of raw vegetables (like broccoli) is about 2 cups.

Both have the same number of calories but offer very different amounts of food.

Which side dish would fill up your plate (and your belly) more, without adding a lot of calories to your diet?

Fresh Fruits

Some people think fruit is not good for you due to natural sugar content.

Fresh fruit does contain sugar, but fruit is also rich in fiber, water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making it a super healthy food.

A serving of fresh fruit is the size of a tennis ball, 1/2 of a large banana, 1 cup of melon cubes or 1 cup of most berries. A serving of fresh fruit provides about 60 calories.

You can eat about 1.25 cups of fresh strawberries as a snack for about 60 calories or you could have about 6 almost weightless potato chips for about 60 calories.

Since your goal is to eat calories that will fill you up, the chips are not going to accomplish this goal.

Dr. Seun Sowemimo talks about the value of food density on his YouTube channel.

Calorie Density is Ideal for Weight Loss Surgery Patients

Bariatric surgery patients (WLS) get full very quickly during the first year after surgery, but often report they can eat more once they are about two or more years post-op.

One of the ways WLS patients can help control their appetites, eat a more plant-based diet and lose or maintain weight, is to eat high volume, low-calorie foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables.  Make sure you get your healthy protein foods in first (such as beans, lentils, tofu, fish, seafood, poultry and fat-free dairy) and then go for fresh fruits and vegetables.

Seven Tips to Fight Back Against Weight Regain

Perfection Not Required

As with all things in life, no one expects you to be perfect all the time.

I encourage our bariatric surgery patients to strive to stay on task 85 to 90 percent of the time.

This way, you are not living a life focusing on deprivation.

Rather, the majority of the time, you are using the tips and tools in your weight loss and weight management arsenal that will keep your weight in check.

If you are 100 pounds or more overweight and have tried traditional weight loss and fitness programs without success, a surgical weight loss solution may be the final solution you need to achieve substantial weight loss.

Call our Bariatric Success Program coordinators at (732) 982-2002 to learn more or attend one of our New (Future) Patient Seminars that I co-host along with Prime Surgicare medical director Dr. Seun Sowemimo and board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Bennet Togbe at CentraState Medical Center in Freehold.


Bariatric Group Fitness in Freehold, NJ

Join us for our fun, fitness-focused group composed of bariatric clients, family members and friends who want to start the weekend with a Saturday morning exercise session.

Choose your preferred exercise: walking, jogging, inline skating or biking.

Our group welcomes people at all levels of fitness, from beginners to advanced.

Our medical director, Dr. Seun Sowemimo leads the group and you’ll often see other members of your Prime Surgicare team getting their fitness on as well.

It’s only one hour and you can move at your own pace.

Get up, burn calories, meet new people!

Next Group Work-Out

Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 8:30 am (we leave promptly, so arrive a few minutes early to stretch)


We travel along the Henry Hudson Trail in Freehold, New Jersey.

Allaire Rehab & Nursing, 115 Dutch Lane Rd, Freehold, NJ 07728 at the southern section of the trail in Freehold.

  • Bikers, ride at your own pace. We will have experienced riders stay with all groups.
  • One-hour session. Exercise at your own pace.


  • You must have a helmet to take part in the bike ride.
  • Bikers, come early and one of our experienced riders will check out your bike for seat positioning and correct tire pressure.


  • Parking is available next to the trail at Allaire Rehab & Nursing
  • GPS: 115 Dutch Lane Rd, Freehold, NJ 07728
  • Please check out the trail website for directions or more info on where to park.

Registration & Contact

B. Martinez choose to spend her 20’s with a younger look and healthier vibe after losing 80 pounds.

At age 20, she partnered with Prime Surgicare’s Dr. Bennet Togbe and had gastric sleeve weight loss surgery.

Briana, a teacher, says, “I finally feel like my age, not someone who is a lot older.”

She also stated that it’s much easier to stay energized through her busy days in the classroom with a shiny new BMI of 26.

The 22-year-old smiled when asked about improvements in her social life, but offered no details ?

You Can Defeat Weight Issues in Your 20’s with Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

Begin by visiting Where Do I Start? and attend Prime Surgicare’s next New Patient Seminar with supportive family and friends to learn more about weight loss surgery.

Call us at 732-982-2002 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Togbe or Dr. Sowemimo.

During your visit, you can discuss the weight loss surgery operations, check your BMI and understand more clearly how significant weight loss can lessen or resolve many health issues.

Why wait until middle age to deal with your weight challenges?

senior obesity and weight loss surgery

“I reached a weight where I just didn’t feel good. Ever.”

“You have weight-related medical issues including pre-diabetes, asthma, worsening high blood pressure and an underactive thyroid,” Barbara Mancini’s doctor told her in 2018.

And Barbara fought the good fight trying to lose the extra weight—she subscribed to all of the nationally-recognized diet plans, including Weight Watchers.

“Some of the weight came off in the beginning and then it eventually tapered off until I started gaining again,” Barbara recalls.

“I didn’t eat much and I still didn’t lose weight.”

After a particularly bad asthma attack that sent her to the ER, Barbara decided things had to change. She was also tired all the time and felt depressed for no specific reason.

Making a life change at age 66

The tax processor had attended a bariatric weight loss surgery seminar hosted by Prime Surgicare years ago and pulled out the information after the attack.

“I knew these medical issues were only going to get worse as I got older, so I made an appointment to talk about my situation with Dr. Bennet Togbe,” Barbara recalls.

After she underwent pre-surgical testing, Barbara was medically-cleared to undergo weight loss surgery.

“Our over 55 population is evaluated on a case-by-case basis to ascertain their fitness to undergo surgery and their risk to benefit analysis,” explains Dr. Togbe.

“We’ve seen very successful weight loss in older patients like Barbara who significantly improved her quality of life and overcame chronic medical conditions as a result.”

Dr. Bennet Togbe

weight loss surgery for older people

After weight loss surgery, Barbara lost 68 pounds in one year.

She and Dr. Togbe decided the gastric sleeve operation would best suit Barbara’s current health and future weight loss goals.

A year ago, Barbara had the sleeve gastrectomy ( VSG ) and started a journey where she would lose 68 pounds, 25 percent of her weight, in one year.

“I now understand that I have to keep moving, especially because I sit at a desk all day,” Barbara says. “I walk during my lunch hour and do whatever I can to exercise daily.”

Weight loss offers a new lease on life

She says the significant weight loss allows her to do things in her new home that would have been too exhausting or dangerous before surgery, such as climbing ladders and moving heavy items.

“I have also been told that I no longer snore all the time,” Barbara, now age 67, says with a smile.

We asked the grandmother what advice she might offer other people who are 60+ and facing health issues related to obesity.

“That’s an easy one—do you want to see your grandchildren grow up?”

Are you ready to learn more about a bariatric weight loss solution?

bariatric surgeon new jersey

Begin by visiting Where Do I Start? and attend Prime Surgicare’s next New Patient Seminar with supportive family and friends to learn more about weight loss surgery.

Call us at 732-982-2002 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Togbe or Dr. Sowemimo.

During your visit, you can discuss the weight loss surgery operations, check your BMI and understand more clearly how significant weight loss can lessen or resolve many health issues.

By Lori Skurbe, MPH, CDE, Prime Surgicare Bariatric Dietitian

We are encouraging our patients to eat a more plant-based diet due to proven nutritional and health benefits.

When adopting a whole food diet, you may begin to read or hear about foods that may be unfamiliar to you, such as farro, an ancient grain used around the world for thousands of years.

In health-conscious recipes, you may see this form of wheat with a nutty, dense texture that provides more fiber than pasta, bread or rice.

It looks similar to brown rice when uncooked and looks like barley after cooking.

Are you ready to enliven your palette with a new grain?

Here are some fast facts and a simple recipe to get you started:

Is Farro Nutritious?

g=fplant based diet

Farro is an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

A 1/2 cup of prepared farro is only 100 calories, 4 grams protein, 3.5 grams fiber and 1 gram of fat.

What if I have Gluten Issues?

Since farro is lower in gluten than other forms of wheat, it may be satisfactorily tolerated by people who are gluten sensitive, but should nonetheless be avoided if you have Celiac disease or are allergic to gluten.

NPR: An Ancient Grain Worth Figuring Out

Is Farro Hard to Cook?

Farro is quick and simple to prepare—you can compare it to couscous or rice preparation. It’s a versatile grain dish which many enjoy as a hearty hot or cold cereal, mixed with various spices, sauces or vegetables or served chilled as a cool and satisfying summer salad base.

Some additional ideas include adding it to thicken soups, combined with beans, roasted veggies and breadcrumbs and sautéed for a delightful bean burger.

Cook it risotto-style with broth, a splash of white wine, and topped with pine nuts, black pepper and Parmesan.

Before you begin to cook it, be sure to thoroughly to rinse the grain in cool water.

If you purchase it boxed, just follow package instructions, usually two parts liquid to one part farro (ex: 2 cups water or broth to 1 cup farro).

Ready to venture a bit further by trying a one-pot dish?

Below is a recipe for you to try!  Enjoy!

Vegetarian Farro Skillet

Makes 6 servings.


1 ½ cups farro, uncooked

1 (14 ounce) can vegetable broth

1 (14.5 ounce) can Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes, undrained

2 tablespoons light olive oil, divided

2 cups quartered lengthwise, sliced zucchini

1 teaspoon ground cumin

½ tsp salt (may omit if need to reduce sodium)

½ cup diced green bell pepper

½ cup chopped yellow onion

½ cup fresh corn kernels

1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic

1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed

3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro


  1. Stir together farro, broth, undrained tomatoes and 1 tablespoon oil in medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 25 minutes until liquid is absorbed.
  2. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add zucchini and sprinkle with half of the cumin and salt; cook 5-7 minutes or until tender and browned, stirring occasionally. Remove from skillet and set aside and keep warm.
  3. Add bell pepper, onion, corn and garlic; sprinkle with remaining cumin and salt. Cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in beans, heat 2 minutes more. Add zucchini back to skillet along with cooked farro; stir to combine. Top with cilantro before serving.

Nutrition Facts (per serving): 307 calories. 11.1 grams protein, 7.6 grams dietary fiber, 6.6 grams fat

About Dietitian Lori Skurbe and the Bariatric Success Program at Prime Surgicare

Lori Skurbe — Registered Dietitian at Prime Surgicare, NJLori has been a dietitian for over 20 years with an extensive background in weight management, bariatric nutrition and diabetes education.

She has worked at the local, state and national levels of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; she served as president of the New Jersey Dietetic Association.

Lori plays a key role in pre- and post-operative nutritional counseling and guidance for people undergoing surgical weight loss at Prime Surgicare.

To learn more about our comprehensive weight loss surgery program, call our team of friendly and respectful professionals at (732) 982-2002.

Source: Allrecipes.com accessed 8/8/19





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