Weight Loss Surgery in Central New Jersey — Quality, Care, Trust.
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Weight Loss Surgery Blog

weight loss surgery success story

At 263 pounds, Molly Horner, age 46, knew her weight was interfering with her quality of life.

“Fortunately, I didn’t have any weight-related medical issues, but I felt tired all the time and like I couldn’t keep up with my five young grandchildren,” said the billing clerk from Burlington County, NJ.

Molly also recalls that she was less inclined to socialize because of her weight.

“It was just easier to say no to invitations than to try and find something to wear,” she recalls. “At the same time, I struggled with the thought that it was too late for me to lose all this weight.”

Over the years, she tried several weight loss tools—

“I tried Phentermine, Weight Watchers, Xenical, Alli, fitness workouts, Jenny Craig.

I tried them all!”

Molly said using Phentermine worked temporarily, but she ultimately gained the weight back and even added more.

But during an ER visit for her grandson at CentraState Medical Center in Freehold, a sign about a bariatric weight loss program caught her eye; she took it as a sign and decided then and there to move forward.

Click here for a checklist of your first steps to having bariatric surgery.

Molly consulted with board-certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Bennet Togbe at Prime Surgicare. After completing her pre-op testing and consultations with a bariatric dietitian and mental health professional, Dr. Togbe performed her gastric sleeve operation in November 2017 with no complications.

Now 22 months later, Molly has lost 108 pounds and

her clothing size has decreased from size 22 to size 6.

Molly and Dr. Togbe forged a great team. “He is so personable and makes you feel comfortable,” she says. “He absolutely knows what he’s doing in the operating room—I’m living proof!”

Dr. Bennet Togbe Meets a Determined Obesity Fighter

 Molly was the ideal bariatric patient from the beginning,” says Dr. Togbe, “After surgery, she followed our proven and clear-cut exercise and dietary recommendations.”

Dr. Togbe chose Molly for a weight loss success story to inspire others contemplating a surgical weight loss solution for obesity treatment.

“It’s been truly gratifying to see her successful surgical outcome.”

Dr. Bennet Togbe

While she gets most of her exercise chasing those five grandchildren, and caring for her high school and college-age younger kids, Molly does try to get out to walk as frequently as she can.

Why the gastric sleeve is the most common surgical weight loss procedure in the world.

She offers a few words of advice for people considering gastric sleeve or any weight loss surgery solution—

“You’re never too old to lose weight.

It can come off very fast after the operation, if you follow the doctor’s orders.

Do what’s best for you—you are worth it.”

Inspired by Molly’s Weight Loss Success Story?

bariatric surgeon new jersey

To find out if bariatric surgery may be the obesity treatment solution for you, register for Dr. Seun or Dr. Togbe’s next New Patient Seminar.

If you’d prefer to have a private consultation first, call us at 732-982-2002 to schedule an appointment.

You can also ask our team of friendly bariatric specialists to help confirm your insurance coverage for metabolic syndrome treatment (bariatric surgery).



Obamacare helps young adults with bariatric surgery insurance: by Dr. Seun Sowemimo, bariatric surgeon at Prime Surgicare, Monmouth County, New Jersey

Prepare yourself for successful weight loss surgery even before your operation.


Like many thousands who preceded you, you’ve made the decision to undergo surgical weight loss for the treatment of obesity.

Since then, you have patiently completed the pre-op medical testing, met with a bariatric dietitian and someone from the mental health community.

Your date for gastric sleeve, gastric bypass or a bariatric revision has been scheduled. You’ve taken time off from work or school and prepared your home for your post-op recovery.


So, now what do you do before your bariatric surgery date?

Don’t Procrastinate Your Operation

Don’t wait too long to schedule your procedure. If you are recommended for surgery, the medical issue is not going to go away on its own, unfortunately.

Delaying surgery can allow your weight to increase and any obesity-related medical conditions to worsen, potentially offsetting your surgery date due to safety concerns.

Move forward with courage with the knowledge you are taking back control of your health and your weight.

Follow Pre-Op Doctor’s Orders

Surgery puts stress on the body, so the stronger you are physically, the faster you will recover.

As you prepare for anesthesia and surgery, focus on the following:

  • Be sure to get 7-8 hours of quality REM sleep nightly
  • Eat a healthy diet and cut out as much sugar as possible
  • If you smoke, stop at least two weeks prior to surgery
  • If you take medications, carefully follow your surgeon’s instructions about pre-op usage

Protect Yourself against Surgical Complications

Surgery is surgery and there is always a risk of complications, even if the chance is highly unlikely.

In routine surgeries, such as gallbladder removal, appendectomies, hernias and other GI operations, post-op and anesthesia-related complications are possible.

Successfully managing your operation includes being well-informed. Ask your board-certified surgeon to explain any risks related to the type of weight loss surgery operation you are having.

Equally important, ask how to recognize possible complications, what to do, and when you should call your doctor.

Appoint Your Personal Patient Advocate

While you’re in the hospital, a spouse, family member or good friend should be on hand to assist you or answer short-term questions the hospital team may need to know.

After you are released, someone needs to watch over you for at least the next 48 hours on a 24/7 basis, until you are up and around independently.

Stay in Touch with Your Medical Team

Dr. Seun Sowemimo and Dr. Oz have a laugh

Dr. Seun Sowemimo and Dr. Oz

Your inpatient and outpatient surgical team wants to know how you are doing and if you have questions or concerns. Rather than reaching out to us via direct message (DM) on social media or even emailing us, just call us at 732-210-0702 for the quickest answer to your question or issue.

Never assume any health concern is minor.

A high-quality surgical practice wants to ensure you are

as comfortable and safe as possible until we see you again.

If you ever experience symptoms related to difficulty breathing, severe pain or cardiac issues, call 911 without hesitation.

Post-Op: Rest, Recover, Minimize Stress

Even minimally-invasive laparoscopic surgery is a shock to the body and it needs time to “reboot.”

Your body needs rest, first and foremost—

Follow your bariatric surgeon’s specific instructions for exercising,

lifting, driving, eating and liquid intake requirements.

Don’t go back to work before your doctor clears you to do so, particularly if you have a physical job.

“One of my patients who is a mail carrier went back to work after colon surgery before had examined her,” recalls Dr. Seun.

“She subsequently encountered a complication while on the job that required hospital re-admission.”

Dr. Seun said she was released a few days later, but her recovery time was twice as long.

Take it easy, have others help out with cooking, cleaning, and other chores and recognize that returning to “normal” will take some time.

“Think of it this way,” says Dr. Seun. “Your surgical weight loss marks the start of a new normal — a healthier one — if you follow your team’s advice before and after the operation.”

Ready to Learn More about Weight Loss Surgery

Prime Surgicare, NJ, bariatric surgeons — Dr. Seun Sowemimo and Dr. Bennet TogbeTo learn more, meet medical director Dr. Seun Sowemimo and his board-certified surgical associate, Dr. Bennet Togbe, in person by attending their next New Patient Information Seminar, located at CentraState Medical Center in Freehold.

The seminars are open to anyone interested in learning more about a surgical weight loss solution. Bring a supportive friend or family member along, too!

Or, if you prefer, schedule a private consultation by calling Prime Surgicare at 732-210-0702

By Seun Sowemimo, MD, FACS, FASMBS

Whether you’re young in years or young-at-heart, there are a few key steps you can take to keep your metabolism motor humming so you are blasting away calories at the highest rate possible.

As you age, your metabolism slows down. Older people also tend to have less muscle mass, which also reduces metabolic rate. This is why we encourage older patients to add light weight-bearing exercise to their fitness routines.

So where do you start to ignite that metabolism match?

Here are four proven tools to help keep your metabolic rate up, regardless of your age:

Come On–You Already Know This is #1

Exercising (yes, even walking!) is key to maintaining and increasing metabolism.

Seniors, take note−The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends  people 65 and older get 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week and perform weight-bearing exercises on all the body’s major muscle groups at least twice a week.

At any age, indoctrinate a 30-minute daily workout, just like brushing your teeth and eating lunch, into your daily routine.

The benefits extend way beyond the calorie-burning benefits–moving your body also helps offset depression, increase flexibility and help you far better than any medication.

ZZZZZZZZs and Then Some

To increase the chances of boosting metabolism, adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Getting too little shut-eye can significantly alter your body’s processes enough to predispose you to gain weight. (Do you ever feel hungry for no reason when you’re exhausted and then reach for the wrong foods to boot?)


When you’re tense, your body releases cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal system that is linked to weight gain. It can also significantly weaken your immune system and open the door to acute and chronic illnesses. Turn to regular physical activity, deep breathing, a quiet evening stroll, or professional help from a psychologist or counselor if you are experiencing chronic stress.

Eat and Drink

Eating real whole foods−clean proteins, fruits and vegetables−fuels metabolism. As soon as you awaken, charge-up those calorie burners by feeding them a protein and a fruit (think omelette with feta cheese, spinach and veggies and a cup of berries).

Transform what you eat and you will transform your life.

Dr. Seun Explains How You Can Say Goodbye to Bad Food

Staying hydrated is key to maintaining good health.

Keep a glass or refillable water bottle with you throughout the day.

How can you keep tabs on your hydration level?

You are properly hydrated if your urine is nearly clear.

Other than choosing the right foods to eat and finding spiritual solace in your life, these tools serve as a roadmap to good health, including maintaining a healthy weight.

Best of all, once you’ve adopted these tips, you will look and feel better sooner than you think.

Who is Prime Surgicare?

Since 2010, my metabolic and bariatric team and I have been helping people who live in New Jersey and New York to overcome the constraints of obesity and become as healthy as possible. Through our expertise in obesity medicine, we use bariatric weight loss surgery to jumpstart weight loss for people debilitated by type 2 diabetes and others who have more than 100 pounds to lose.

We welcome an opportunity to talk with you about your weight loss challenges and, more importantly, your weight loss goals. Call our friendly team at 732-210-0702 to schedule a consultation soon. 

By Dr. Seun Sowemimo, Medical Director

Eighteen months ago, Christine Flanagan came to me for surgical obesity treatment after spending years of yo-yo dieting and endless frustration with traditional diet and exercise plans she had tried.

She ultimately had the gastric sleeve (VSG) and lost 92 pounds.

Not only did weight loss surgery resolve her weight problem, but it also inspired her to eat a whole food plant-based diet as fuel for her new body.

“I realized processed food was making me feel exhausted and unhealthy every day, so I recommitted to a vegan diet and it has transformed the way I look and feel.”

In the video below, the New Jersey woman explains what motivates her to eat real food every day and how it has transformed her life:

“One of my favorite dishes is rice noodles with peanut sauce,” she says. “And you don’t feel awful after eating it the way traditional Chinese take-out can make you feel.”

Regular exercise is also easier since she’s carrying much less weight and the food she is eating gives her energy to bike, run and just move her body daily.

“If I miss a day of exercise, I really find that I miss it. It’s amazing how running and sweating can give you a huge boost of energy after the workout is over. I’ve honestly never felt this good in my life.”

Visit my YouTube Channel to check out additional videos that highlight the value of whole food plant-based nutrition and how bariatric surgery can ignite the fire to living life healthy.

Related Videos

Dr. Seun Explains Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition

Common Myths about WFPB Nutrition

healthy living with dr seun sowemimo

By Seun Sowemimo, MD, FACS, FASMBS

I’d like to reinforce one of Mom’s many lessons which was right on target–

“Eat your vegetables.”

The Lancet published a global study a few months ago about dietary habits and resulting life span, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Research confirmed that consuming vegetables, fruit, fish, whole grains and nuts were strongly associated with extending your lifespan.

Conversely, eating low quality processed “food” is responsible for more deaths than any other risk factor in the world.

If you eat certain foods, it will help offset disease and premature death.

On my YouTube vlog, I explain what to eat to improve the probability you’ll live considerably longer–and what you’re eating now that could be shaving years off your life:

Poor diet is responsible for more deaths than any other risk factor in the world.

The study found that people who ate processed foods packed with chemicals, salt and sugar ultimately died before their time.

You might recall one of my more popular videos called “Stop Eating Crap.”

The study found that people who eat this crappy quality, fake food die sooner.

And it’s not just Americans.

While obesity continues to ravage the United States, food is also killing millions in other countries as well.

Millions of people are dying around the world from poor diets, often packed with sodium and lacking in whole grains and fruits.

The Gates Foundation study looked at rates of sickness and death based on what major food groups you eat—or don’t eat.

One in 5 deaths (that’s about 11 million people) are linked to eating too much processed meat, sodium and sugar-laden food and drinks.

Food Killed 11 Million People


How did these 11 million people die?

When people consistently eat poor quality food, and omit eating seeds, vegetables, fruits and grains, they most commonly die as a result of 3 diseases:

• Heart (cardiovascular – accounting for nearly 85% of deaths)
• Cancer (10% of deaths)
• Type 2 Diabetes (5% of deaths)

Food is breaking our hearts by clogging the arteries that feed the heart with bad food.

As an obesity medicine specialist who has been preaching about weight loss and weight management for the past 10 years, I wonder (and worry)…

Is anybody out there actually listening to these frightening statistics?

Cause of Death: Poor Quality Diets

Of these 11 million senseless deaths:

* Excess salt resulted in 3 million deaths
* Low intake of whole grains caused another 3 million deaths
* Inadequate fruit consumption accounted for another 2 million deaths

Here in the US, we do not face food shortages, in fact, our problem is too much food availability, much of which is processed, artificial and laden with chemicals to make it taste great.

As a result, the US has the highest rate of diabetes-related deaths.

Our taste buds are so messed up from eating fake flavoring, we don’t even know what unprocessed real food even tastes like anymore.

Three Steps to Overhauling Your Nutrition

1. Stop eating crap—food that comes boxed, is processed or contains added sugars and excessive amounts of salt.

2. Avoid animal-based products, particularly red and processed meat.

3. Eat real food: whole grains, nuts and seeds, vegetables, beans and fruits

Prime Surgicare Offers Comprehensive Bariatric Weight Loss Services

If you are considerably overweight and interested in learning more about weight loss surgery, join me at an upcoming New Patient Seminar.

Mid-May and June Prime Surgicare Bariatric Surgery Seminars

Until then, you have control over what you eat.

Make smart choices. Your health will reward you for it.

weight loss surgery exercise

At Prime Surgicare in Freehold, having weight loss surgery encompasses much more than just an operation.

Our exclusive Bariatric Success Program supports all facets of your weight loss and transformation to a healthy lifestyle.

One of the many components of this one-of-a-kind program is our Group Bariatric Fitness event, held on the second Saturday of each month, following the Prime Surgicare Weight Loss Surgery Support Group meeting held earlier in the week.

This is a fun, social and fitness-focused group composed of bariatric clients, family members, friends (and pets!) who want to start the weekend with a Saturday morning exercise session.

Choose your preferred exercise: walking, jogging, inline skating or biking.

Our group welcomes people at all levels of fitness, from beginners to advanced.

Medical director Dr. Seun Sowemimo leads the group and you’ll often see other members of your Prime Surgicare team getting their fitness on as well.

It’s only one hour and you can move at your own pace.

Get up, burn calories, meet new people!

Next Bariatric Fitness Event

The second Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m. (we leave promptly, so arrive a few minutes early to stretch)


We travel along the Henry Hudson Trail in Freehold, New Jersey.

Allaire Rehab & Nursing, 115 Dutch Lane Rd, Freehold, NJ 07728 at the southern section of the trail in Freehold.

  • Bikers, ride at your own pace. We will have experienced riders stay with all groups.
  • One-hour session. Exercise at your own pace.


  • You must have a helmet to take part in the bike ride.
  • Bikers, come early and one of our experienced riders will check out your bike for seat positioning and correct tire pressure.


  • Parking is available next to the trail at Allaire Rehab & Nursing
  • GPS: 115 Dutch Lane Rd, Freehold, NJ 07728
  • Please check out the trail website for directions or more info on where to park.

Registration & Contact

whole food plant based diet

By Lori Skurbe, MPH, CDE, Prime Surgicare Bariatric Dietitian

Lori Skurbe — Registered Dietitian at Prime Surgicare, NJWe encourage our weight loss surgery patients to eat more plant-based foods.

One highly nutritious plant-based food which is often overlooked are nuts/nut butters.

But a few go a long way, so enjoy with a little caution.

While nuts and seeds offer outstanding health benefits, they are also naturally high in fat and calories.

With this in mind, people who have undergone bariatric surgery should be particularly mindful of portion sizes.

The charts below provide serving sizes and basic nutrition information for your favorite nuts and nut butters.

Keep in mind, while you may only enjoy a small portion, these nuts are surprisingly filling and satisfying.

Small but Satisfying Nut Serving Sizes

Nut Nutrition
Nut Nuts per 1 Ounce Serving Calories Protein
Almonds 23 160 6 grams
Hazelnuts 21 180 4  grams
Macadamia 11 200 2 grams
Peanuts 28 160 7 grams
Pecans (halves) 19 200 3 grams
Pistachios 49 160 6 grams
Walnuts (halves) 14 185 4 grams

A serving of nut butter is two tablespoons:

Calories and Protein of Nut Butters per 2 Tablespoons
Nut butter Calories per serving Protein per serving
Almond butter 196 7 grams protein
Cashew butter 190 5.6 grams protein
Peanut butter 190 8 grams protein
Soy nut butter 170 8 grams protein


Take care to measure your portion sizes to ensure you are eating (only) a single serving as a snack or part of a meal.

You can purchase 100-calorie pre-measured packs to carry with you and know in advance how many calories to journal.

Why Journaling During Weight Loss is Worth the Effort

Nut butters also come in single-serving containers for a quick grab and go snack.

A single serving of nuts can satisfy that crunch you are looking for and get you through a busy afternoon at work or running errands.  Partner them with apple slices, half of a banana or add the butter to a celery stalk enjoy creamy and crunchy together!

Learn More about Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition from Dr. Seun

Play the Nut Card with Caution

Nuts and nut butters do provide protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.  The high nutritional value of nuts and nut butters, make them an important part of a healthy diet.

Nuts and nut butters are not something you want to graze or snack on because it’s easy to eat a lot of calories very quickly.

WLS patients must be aware of the calories they eat and drink each day so they stay on track.

weight loss surgery njEvery Prime Surgicare weight loss surgery patient has exclusive access to our Bariatric Success Program, which includes private nutritional visits with a bariatric dietitian before and after your bariatric operation.

We also encourage you to check in with us at least once a year after your reach your goal weight.

Enjoy nuts and seeds as a regular part of your nutrition plan—but police your portion sizes as you do with any other food.

Questions? Call our bariatric specialists anytime at (732) 982-2002.


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